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The Question You Need To Be Asking Right Now

Updated: May 18, 2020

We’ve been through a lot over the past couple of months. We’ve seen the unraveling of jobs, relationships and nations. More importantly, our beliefs of security, healthcare, trust and human connection have been thrown out the window. Unfortunately, NO ONE can predict the future of this pandemic. Not our loved ones, the government or even the scientists who have cured the most obscure diseases. Without certainty, we breed fear, stress, anxiety and depression into our lives, feelings that we’re now accustomed to. The worst part is, we think we have to take on this huge feat alone - but that is farthest from the truth. After speaking with Christina Hay, a nurse on the front lines this week about mental health, I realized just how important compassion and human connection really is.

Growing up, we are taught to be strong in the face of obstacles. I am sure you remember the phrase, “walk it off” when you tripped over the ball (after striking out for the 15th time) during your playoff baseball game. Feelings and reactions to experiences seemed to be things you kept to yourself. They were signs of weakness and an incorrect belief that something could be internally “wrong with you”. What we don’t realize is that feelings are what makes us human. This pandemic has not only shown that feelings need to be shared, but forces us to see we all share the same ones. Feelings of loss, grief, fear, helplessness, despair and sadness. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to come together and connect with what makes us un-apologetically human - our need for connection and compassion for others.

Have you asked yourself or others the question “Are you OK”? If not, you should start. It seems like a simple question, one of the hardest to confront and takes courage to ask. Yet, it can make a world of difference to a person’s mental health, including your own. It gives permission for emotions to be exposed that have been buried, or ones that are on the brink of boiling over. It removes the psychological weight that needs to be lifted off our shoulders and signals that we are being seen and heard. It can help uncover solutions and enable us to learn from each other. You’ll feel an incredible closeness and support that only letting go and being completely vulnerable can create.

Hope and clarity can be found by writing & recognizing your thoughts in a journal, one conversation with a stranger, a phone call or text to a friend, a zoom call to coworkers, or holding your partner's hand while listening intently to each other about what's been on their mind. None of what is happening is normal and it's ABSOLUTELY NORMAL to NOT feel normal. Give yourself and others a break by just knowing that. This proves that we're not alone and in reality, we’re all fighting a similar battle. One might say, connecting with others has incredible healing powers for the soul of the world. It is imperative we listen to anxieties, fears and concerns and support one another through this time. It's the only way we are going to make it out of here, mentally alive.

We want you to share your feels! Join the join The Joy Tribe Co. ( this week and receive a free "Feel Your Feelings" worksheet. This will help you dig deeper to connect better with yourself and others. I want to hear your experience and progress as you move through the worksheet. I can't wait to see all the positive vibes!

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