I help individuals ditch shame and old limiting beliefs by discovering a clear path to fierce self-love and the courage to live a life without fear
After my divorce, I was forced to feel my raw feelings of pain, anxiety, identity loss, and surrender to the uncertainty of life. I also had to face the realization, this trauma ran deeper than just a divorce. This undoubtedly was and is the biggest, most terrifying risk I’ve ever taken. Unapologetically, let go of ideas, thoughts, and people I held so closely to truly move forward. The choices weren’t easy and in fact, most times felt prettY impossible. The struggle was real and the pain was imminent but I made a choice to show up for myself and keep moving through my journey. I’m grateful I did.
That's great, Erin but how did you get your sh*t together?

Holding your sh*t together is tough and adding the stress of consistency is even tougher. Let me ask, when’s the last time you’ve tried a new healthy routine consecutively on your own? I’m going to guess you gave up early, blamed yourself, and wallowed in a huge tub of ice cream. Especially, when you are dealing with extreme heartache. Not having someone to constantly push you through the impossible will only continue your suffering. No one wants that or the extra pounds either. That’s where I come in - your trusted side-kick to guide you through your adventure with the wisdom of having done it before. Truth is, I’ve made the journey before, conquered demons, fallen into dark holes and despite the challenges made it out to tell the tale.
This no-fail, healthy habit master, warrior-inducing, self-love journey.
Let's be clear if you want to change it takes commitment and I mean more commitment than your last relationship. This isn’t an easy adventure - no epic, blockbuster love story is. More importantly, You’ll learn what love really means and it's not getting married or having a partner. I'm referring to the raw, unconditional love that begins with you. You’ll learn how to deeply love all parts of you, even the part that thinks you’re a train wreck or the part that thinks you’re butt is too big to be attractive. You’re going to fall so damn hard in love with your badass self, you won’t need anyone's approval but yours. On this authentic self-love adventure, you’ll already have everything you need on your own.
My coaching approach is simple. When you commit to consistently taking care of your body, mind and soul with compassion - finding love gets a whole lot easier.
It’s time to stop playing the damsel in distress and become the heroine of your own epic love story.